Hospital and healthcare environments
Main Benefits:
■ Improved sleep pattern
■ Balances bodily functions
■ Reduces feelings of anxiety
■ Raises mood
Lighting is an important factor contributing to health and well-being. While many conventional hospital settings are subject to low level light and little natural light, EWINDOW introduces a dynamic lighting alike the natural day cycle.
Natural lighting is a significant factor impacting the circadian rhythm which balances the sleep cycle, amongst other bodily functions such as body temperature, blood pressure and appetite. A well-functioning circadian rhythm supports the transition between wake- and sleep-state of the body.
In the morning and throughout the daytime EWINDOW emits cool white light to promote wakefulness, while in the evening it reduces the light level and transitions to a warm white to contribute to relaxation.
Minimising the disruption of the circadian rhythm reduces the stress experienced by patients and puts them at ease.<
Natural lighting has also been found to positively impact the patients’ moods and can be used a therapeutic mean to treat depression, as it encourages the production of the serotonin hormone which is correlated to psychological well-being.
*Supported by research of:
Bernhofer, E. I., Higgins, P. A., Daly, B. J., Burant, C. J., & Hornick, T. R. (2014). Hospital lighting and its association with sleep, mood and pain in medical inpatients. Journal of advanced nursing, 70(5), 1164-1173.
Sansone, R. A., & Sansone, L. A. (2013). Sunshine, serotonin, and skin: a partial explanation for seasonal patterns in psychopathology?. Innovations in clinical neuroscience, 10(7-8), 20.